User Manual

In this manual the general functionality of EODIE is described. In the end you can also find a usage example Small example (no external data needed). For more examples with explanations, please check out Tutorial.


The following sections describe EODIEs command line arguments and the configuration files. All of the following only matters when using EODIE as command line tool.

Command line arguments

The following parameters can be used in the commandline: Note that some parameters have options, some have defaults and some are optional, all flags are optional. See Necessary inputs for inputs that need to be given

Which platform does the data come from?
type: String
options: s2, ls8, tif
The platform information needs to be given in order for EODIE to be able to read the data the right way, eg find tile and date information in the filename. It is possible to extent EODIE to be able to process other datasources than given in options. Please refer to Extending EODIE for further information.
The directory where the data to be processed is stored as absolute path.
type: String
EODIE can either be given a directory to process data from or a single file (use –rasterfile parameter instead). If a directory contains other data than what matches with –platform, –startdate/–enddate, (maxcloudcover in config) and the area of interest given as shapefile, EODIE finds the fitting data based on these inputs. Avoid having dates in the format of YYYYMMDD and tilenames in format 00XXX in the path!
If only one file shall be processed use --rasterfile instead of --rasterdir. Cannot be used together with --rasterdir.
type: String
Either –rasterdir or –rasterfile needs to be given by user.
Absolute path to the vector file to be used for processing, without extension and tilename.
type: String
example: Vector file name is test_polygons.shp in location /home/my/path, then it is given as –vector /home/my/path/test_polygons
The given vector defines the area of interest. Internally, EODIE converts the vector input into a shapefile if needed, splits the shapefile based on tiles (tileshp in config) and uses that part of the shapefile that has the same tilename as the file to be processed.
Absolute path to the directory where the results shall be stored. Will be created if it does not exist.
type: String
default: ./results
Name of the unique ID-field of the vector file provided at --vector.
type: String
example: --id id
Not all vector files use id as the fieldname for the ID field, it can be ID, PlotID,`FieldID`,`plotnumber`, etc. The possibilities are endless. Therefore EODIE cannot find the right field automatically and it has to be given by the user. If your vector file is a shapefile, you may examine available fieldnames with the auxiliary script (see also Auxiliary files).
The file extension of the input file provided in –vector. Supported extensions are shp, gpkg, geojson, csv and fgb. If you are using GeoPackage with more than one layer, you need to determine the name of the layer with –gpkg_layer. Csv files need a column for well-known text (WKT) to determine the spatial extent of each feature and the EPSG code determined with –epsg_for_csv
type: String
default: .shp
The name of the layer in GeoPackage, if there are more than one of layers. With one layer only this parameter is not needed.
type: String
default: None
If –input_type is .csv, a spatial reference system needs to be defined separately for a successful to a shapefile, as it is not a part of the file structure.
type: String
default: None
set flag if statistics (see below) shall be calculated per polygon and saved as csv
type: flag
set flag if geotiff shall be extracted per polygon and saved as geotiff
type: flag
set flag if arrays of all polygons shall be extracted and saved as pickle
type: flag
If none of the three above is given, only –statistics_out is set to true
If –statistics_out is given, specify here which statistics shall be calculated per polygon separated by a space
type: list of Strings
options: one or more of: sum, std, median, mean, majority, minority, unique, range, percentile_x (with x from 0 to 100)
default: count (always included)
example: --statistics sum median percentile_10 percentile_90
Which vegetation index or band shall be extracted per polygon separated by a space
type: list of Strings
options: one or more of ndvi, rvi,savi,nbr,kndvi, ndmi, mndwi, evi, evi2, dvi, cvi, mcari, ndi45, tctb, tctg, tctw, ndwi, plus bands as named in platform filenames (e.g. for Sentinel-2: B02, B03, B04, B05, B06, B07, B08, B8A, B11, B12)
example: --index ndvi evi2 B04 B8A
Give the startdate of the timeframe of interest
type: integer YYYYMMDD
default: 20160101
Give the enddate of the timeframe of interest
type: integer YYYYMMDD
default: todays date
Flag to indicate all necessary splitted files created when running EODIE should be stored for further usage
type: flag
Flag to indicate that border pixels (within the polygon) should be excluded from statistics calculations / array extraction
type: flag
[optional] Absolute path and name of external cloudmask (without tile and date and extension) if available
type: String
Flag to indicate that has been run manually beforehand
type: flag
For getting information and warnings in the terminal as well as the log file
type: flag
For testing some datatypes are set to smaller, in general not needed by user
type: flag

Configuration file

Some adjustments only need to be set once by the user. These are available in user_config.yml. The most important setting in the userconfig is the path to the tile shapefile (tileshp) and the fieldname where the tilename is stored (fieldname). The tileshapefile is a shapefile containing the units, also called tiles, that data is provided for each platform.

[TODO: image of Sentinel-2 tiles over Finland]

When processing data that is not tiled, or no tile shapefile is provided, this parameter can be left empty.

Other settings that can be adjusted in the configuration file are:

Enter the maximum cloudcover of a file that is still processed in percentage
Type: Integer
Example: maxcloudcover: 99 excludes all files in the directory that have > 99 % cloudcover over the whole tile according to metadata.
Enter the pixelsize that you want your results to be in. Bands are then resampled to match the given pixelsize. This has most influence on geotiff or array outputs.
Type: Integer
Example: pixelsize : 10 will use bands that are available in 10 m as is and resample bands that are only available in larger pixelsizes to 10m before extracting statistics/array/geotiff
resampling method
If bands are not available directly in the given pixelsize, they need to be resampled. Here the resampling method for up- and downsampling can be changed.
Options: available resampling methods and a short description can be found here:
Example: resampling_method: 'bilinear' will use bilinear resampling for all necessary resampling of the rasterdata

EODIE also includes other configuration files called config_x.yml with x being some platform name or tif. These configuration files do not need to be touched or changed in general. One exception to this is for example a ‘red edge’ band should be used in indices instead of the nir band, that could be changed in the platform specific configuration files. See more about this and about the possibility of extending EODIE to work with other platforms in ref:platform_spec.

Necessary inputs

--platform --rasterdir/--rasterfile --vector --out --id and at least one of --statistics_out/--geotiff_out/--array_out
--index also needs to be given, unless --platform tif


  • A logfile: YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.log

  • One csv per tile, band/vegetation index and date with polygon identifiers in the first column and statistics is the following columns.

  • One pickeled numpy array per tile, band/vegetation and date with all polygons

  • One geotiff with georeferenced raster per tile, band/vegetation index and polygon

Usage of external cloudmask

If a cloudmask for each file to be processed is available from an external source, make sure the cloudmask fulfills the following requirements:

  • date (YYYYMMDD, eg 20210603) and tilename (NNCCC , eg 34VFN) in end of filenames: xxx_date_tile.xx

  • supported raster file format (.tif, .jp2, and other formats supported by rasterio)

  • binary rastervalues (1,0; with 1 representing clouds/invalid pixels)

  • pixelsize == output pixelsize (given in config_x.yml)

The latter two criteria can be achieved by using the auxiliary script (but be aware of issue